The Department of Defense released its Financial Management Strategy for Fiscal Years 2022-2026 recently.
This is the first-of-its-kind, Department-wide strategy to help prioritize the DoD FM community’s efforts throughout FY2022-2026. This guiding document includes cross-component mission, vision and goals that aim to energize and transform the way the DoD works.
Deliver world-class, responsive financial management that ensures the DoD remains the premier global military and can accomplish the defense mission in a fiscally responsible manner while inspiring trust with our civilian and military leaders, Congress and the American taxpayer.
Fiscal readiness accelerates mission readiness. Make every decision at DoD fiscally informed by delivering actionable financial advice that empowers global force decision-making.
Strategic Goals
The five strategic goals that follow represent the highest priorities for the DoD-wide FM community over the next five years, focused on driving meaningful outcomes together.
- Cultivate a skilled and inspired FM workforce.
- Optimize taxpayer dollars for the highest value outcomes.
- Increase the integrity of financial results.
- Simplify and optimize our end-to-end business environment.
- Empower data-driven, fiscally informed decision-making.
Read the full DoD FM Strategy here. |